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Methods of payment

Depending on the value of the order, the selected method of delivery and your own preferences, you can choose one of the following methods of payment:

  • Transfer – payment should be made to the bank account number given in the e-mail you will receive from us confirming acceptance of the order. You can make the transfer online or at a post office or bank. After the payment is credited to our account we will begin processing the order.
  • Cash on delivery – you pay cash when you collect the goods (to the courier or postman, or at a Polish post office, depending on the method of delivery). This method of payment involves an additional charge for the order which is not made in the case of other methods.
  • Electronic payment – the most convenient and safest way of making payment online. Our store uses the eCard payment system, to which you will be redirected in order to make payment. The entire process is fast and secure – you select your bank and complete the payment.


The eCard system can be used for secure transactions using:

  • credit card – Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard, MasterCard Electronic, Maestro,
  • eTransfers – list of operated banks is available after choosing bank payment method.
  • other – Unikasa Cash Payments, Print and Pay.
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